Writing a social budget is not a due act, but it remains an act felt by all of us.
Nicholas Tozzo – President of the Magnolia Arch Association
Felt by all of us because it describes and represents who we are and what we do. It is our identity card, the cover of the book, which everyone can see, everyone, those who love us and know us, those who still do not see us favorably and those who still do not know who we are. Drawing up a social balance sheet means tracing, in a way, the history of change of Circolo Magnolia, and in recent years our Association has changed a lot.
Since our founding, we have tried to carry out all the purposes we have set for ourselves. The generational change is alive and present as is the will to offer everyone entertainment based on the development of culture from every point of view, a will that then resulted in the creation of a series of activities such as The Strange Case of Cinema at Magnolia, the All You Can Street Festival and the Magnolia Run, which have made Magnolia a club with a 360-degree vision and offer.
We have been living on the shores of Idroscalo since 2005, and our mission is to consolidate this place, within this park as a place of gathering, but also of discovery.
There is a little piece of each of us in our proposal, from cashier to technician via cooks and bartenders. Because Magnolia is still an association based on ideas and discussion.
There is a phrase that we will always carry with us, a phrase that has been a slogan for many years: Love is made in many.