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We are an ARCI non-profit social promotion association that has created a venue located within the Idroscalo park for its associates and ARCI members which, since its birth in 2005, has always stood out for its concerts and parties with nationally and internationally renowned artists.

Circolo Magnolia recognizes itself in the following values: the promotion of sociability, mutualism, participation and the development of a sense of community, guaranteeing equal opportunities between men and women. The ultimate goal of Magnolia is also to promote the development of all those cultural, educational and informational activities that concern the world of art in general and music in particular.

Magnolia has the good fortune of having been born in the middle of a park – the one that surrounds the sea of the Milanese, the Idroscalo. Over the years, the values of environmental sustainability, with a lower impact on the world around us, have become central to Magnolia’s priorities.
We were born in 2005, we have reached almost eighteen years of projects, in chronological order because they are all equally important: In 2009, 100 photovoltaic panels were installed on the roof of the building in collaboration with the Metropolitan City which, after 2013, were donated to the Metropolitan City itself.

_Since 2011, plastic DOES NOT EXIST inside the Magnolia Circle, since, in agreement with other Lombard clubs and venues, the plastic cup has been replaced by the use of PLA: a bioplastic of natural origin, 100% compostable, obtained from transformation of corn sugars and other natural and biodegradable materials not derived from petroleum.
_In 2013, with the complicity of three important Milanese institutes (Bicocca University, Brera Academy, Milan Polytechnic) he launched the “MAGNOLIA SI FA IN TANTI” project for the structural redevelopment of the building and for the protection of energy consumption.
_Since February 2019 there are NO more straws inside the Circle, because we are trying to eliminate as much as possible the amount of waste deriving from disposable products.
_From March 2023, only during the winter season, PLA cups will no longer be used to counter the production of disposable waste. PLA cups will be replaced by reusable polycarbonate cups.

Among our founding values there is one to which we are strongly linked: the promotion of an open and multicultural society, where diversity and interculturality are a resource.

The great strength of Magnolia is its identity, and the identity of Magnolia is not to have just one but to have a multitude. Which is why the walls of our park welcome clubbers who dream of a life in Berlin, old lovers of stoner and metal, large groups of high school and university students who simply want to party. All these faces have probably never met and will never meet, but they know that among the leaves of the Idroscalo, where there is music, they are all welcome with the exception of homophobes, sexists, racists and obnoxious.

Music is certainly the fuel that keeps Magnolia going. But it is also good to get used to alternative energies: this is why parallel projects have always been born alongside the musical programming such as Lo Strano Caso del Cinema at the Magnolia, a review of arthouse and non-arthouse films that filled the eyes of some of our summer evenings; a food festival: All You Can Street Festival, where we tasted the best specialties from all over Italy; a day dedicated to the vegan world: Viva Las Vegan; stand up comedy shows in collaboration with Aguilar, book launches with We Reading and much more.

All events at the magnolia outside the magnolia