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Anna and Vulkan, Auroro Borealo: the musical, Lamante, Tropea, Ditonellapiaga, Angelica, Tre Allegri Ragazzi Morti (2004-2014), Selton, Tropico, EX-Otago, Willie Peyote, I Ministri, Tancredi Bin (live debut), Lunedì Notte, TA GA DA, clauscalmo, Santamarea, Giovanni Ti Amo, Memento, Johnson Righeira & Sinfonico Honolulu, Tony Scorpioni, Le Feste Antonacci, Whitemary, Bobbi Marcs, Pietro Mio, Cigarilla Disonasty, Crema, Tacobellas, GO!YA!, Sillyelly, Disco Pianobar Karaoke, Sista Bene, Krystal Kostee, Condoli, DJ lodosan, Turbolenta, Ceri Wax, Joseph Tagliabue.

Doors open: 4 p.m.

All events at the magnolia outside the magnolia